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Market and Economic Update – Dec 2016 Aurora Financial Group
Summary of key points The mild Trump inspired euphoria continues in the equities markets while pain persists in the bond markets. Both are driven by the same expectations of a Trump administration: Major cuts in corporate taxes Increased...
Market and Economic Update – Nov 2016 Aurora Financial Group
Summary of key points The investment world may be at a pivotal point. Trump has triumphed, using a strategy of being a disruptor and not accepting the rules of the game by which politics is practiced in the USA. In his direct...
Market and Economic Update – Oct 2016 Aurora Financial Group
Summary of key points There has been little net change in financial markets since our last update but a number of factors have emerged that call for more caution in investment strategy. The caution should be expressed in...
Market and Economic Update – Sept 2016 Aurora Financial Group
The latest Market Update has now been released Summary of key points Nothing much has changed since our last update except that the US equity market has crossed the line into being expensive and property securities are also more...
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